Following the completion of the main hall in 2019 and the Elder’s Quarters in 2021, the construction of Middle Path Meditation Center is about to embrace the ground-breaking of its 3rd milestone, the Paramartha Building. It will be a multipurpose building that combines a classroom, a kitchen, a dining hall, and living quarter for lay practitioners. Once completed, it will provide better facilities for Dharma learning and meditation practicing, benefiting practitioners from all corners of the world. It will also launch the development of Middle Path Meditation Center into a new phase.

In light of this, we cordially invite everyone to join us on Sunday, August 13, 2023, for the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Paramartha Building.

As Dharma does not thrive solely dependent on one isolated aspect but through the collective effort of our community, we acknowledge that the progress of Middle Path Meditation Center would not have been possible without the selfless dedication of our volunteers. To express our gratitude, we will organize a barbecue event for volunteers and their families immediately following the ceremony.


10:00 AM – Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for the Paramartha Building

10:45 AM – Speech given by Venerable Master

11:30 AM – Volunteer Appreciation BBQ Event

To facilitate our preparations for this event, we kindly request everybody who plans to attend to fill out the registration form at:

Registration Form

Come rain or shine, please join us at Middle Path Meditation Center on August 13th. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Copyright © 2023 中道禪林 Middle Path Buddhist Temple of Calgary, 23034 Township Rd 261A, Calgary, AB T3R 1E5.   Phone: (403) 547-9031